Friday, October 9, 2009
The copying of features has been made more intuitive with a “Windows” type copy and
paste function. With a feature highlighted, pull down the EDIT menu and select
shown below.
Re-opening the EDIT menu
reveals the
command to
be available. This must be
selected before placement is
considered. What happens next
is dependant upon the feature
being copied, but usually the
dashboard appears, allowing
the new feature to be placed
with respect to new references.
The sketch may also be
varied, as may any other
parameter in the definition.
Note that once a copy has
been made, the original is
removed from the
“clipboard” so that a further
copy requires the feature to
be re-selected.
Note that a copy produced in this way is, by default, independent (ie will not change
automatically if the original feature is altered). If a dependant copy is required then the
Paste Special
option must be selected.
Certain classes of feature (eg patterns) may result in the
Paste Special
option being
mandatory. This simply involves answering 3 questions before proceeding with the
placement of the new feature.
The copy and paste function is also available in assembly models. Highlight the
component to be repeated and select
A definition dialogue box appears in
the top right corner wherein new dimensions and references are added. If this fails to
produce the desired placement, then the new component can always be redefined in the
normal way, via the constraints table.
Features may also be mirrored in a simplified way. Highlight the feature and then select
icon either from the EDIT menu or from the bottom right corner of the
A mini dashboard appears, on which the only item which must be filled in is the mirror
plane selection.
Note that under Options one can choose whether the copy is dependent
or independent.
Features and Specifications
Advanced Lightin g Capabilities
Simulate a wide range of lightin g, such as spotlight, skylight an d
distant light
Enhance lighting with High Dynamic Ran ge Image (HDRI) support
Vary sh adow softness of each light, for example, by simulatin g sunlight
Enable ligh t attenuation for real-world simulation of light fall off
Vary the intensity of each li ght to take into account other lights
in the scene
Simulate a Wide Ran ge of Materials
Apply both image maps and procedural maps to a model
Utilize bump maps to create relief and to represent material texture
Use decal maps when applying an image on the surface, such as
ENGINEER ARX lets you precisely contro l illumination, color and reflec-
a compan y logo
tions to sho w yo ur products in the “best light”.
Determi ne the finish of the material –lacquer, satin or shiny
Access a standard library of over 200 predefined material types
Use dynamic texture placement to preci sely map materials an d
For specific operating system levels, vis it:
finishes to surfaces
hardw are
cur rent
suppor t.htm
Defin e the Pro duct En viro nment
Set the floor, wall and ceiling position, and apply the
T he Pro
ENGINEER Advantage
appearance scheme
Snap the floor, walls or ceilin g to the model
ENGINEER is simple to learn and use, and is available in a
Choose a cylindrical or rectangular room
variety of packages designed to meet your compan y’s specific
Use real-time rendering to view the room
needs. Whether you need a cost -effective 3D CAD system that
Reuse predefined settings across multiple models,
contains all the basi c design capabilities, or a comprehen sive
such as lights, rooms an d effects
Product Development System that seamlessly con nects your
extended supply chain, you’ll find exactly what you need in a
Special Effects
single, fully scalable solution. Choose the package that fits your
needs today and as your needs ch ange and grow, you can easily
upgrade to the package that is right for you tomorrow, which
Depth of field
leverages the same powerful platform – this means no data trans-
Lens flare (best suited for poi nt lights)
lation and a consistent user experience.
Ligh t scatter
Region rendering
With Pro
ENGINEER associativity, you can res t assured th at no
Shadow control
matter where you make a change in your design, your changes
are instantly propagated th roughout all downs tream deli ver-
Language Support
ables. An d because Pro
E NGINEER Advanced Rendering
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish , Japanes e, Chinese
stores all your design material, light, room and environment
(Simplified and Traditional) and Korean
information, a simple rerenderi ng of the design will in stantly
produce a photo-quality representation of your product,
Platform Requiremen ts
updated design with the changes you just made. The in tegration
Microsoft Windows (Vis ta and XP)
of Pro
ENGINEER reduces rendering time because you don’t
UNIX platforms (Solaris and HP -UX)
have to import your model into another application –everything
can be don e within Pro
In this image, designers
used Pro
to create texture maps that
realistically show carbo n
fiber material on the handle,
and decals that are used
as logos.
1. Introduction
Industrial world has witnessed significant improvements in
product design and manufacturing since the advent of computer-aided
design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)
technologies. Although CAD and CAM have been significantly
developed over the last three decades, they have traditionally been
treated as separate activities. Many designers use CAD with little
understanding of CAM. This sometimes results in design of nonmachinable
components or use of expensive tools and difficult
operations to machine non-crucial geometries. In many cases, design
must be modified several times, resulting in increased machining lead
times and cost. Therefore, great savings in machining times and costs
can be achieved if designers can solve machining problems of the
products at the design stage. This can only be achieved through the
use of fully integrated CAD/CAM systems.
The need to integrate CAD and CAM has long been recognised
and many systems have been developed. Kalta and Davies [1]
developed an IGES pre-processor to integrate CAD and CAPP for
turned components. In a different work, a rule-based system was
developed for converting engineering drawings into numerically
controlled machine programs for two dimensional punch objects
[2]. Lye and Yeo [3] and Thakar et al. [4] developed integrated
CAD/CAM systems for design and manufacture of turned
components. Bidanda and Billo [5] reported the development of
a system for generation of NC programs for producing countersink
cutting tools.
Feature recognition and feature based design have been used as
by most researchers to bridge the gap between CAD and CAM.
Many used feature extraction method. Examples are rule based [6]
and syntactic pattern based [7] feature recognition. Development of
domain specific feature modeling systems has also been reported.
Examples include OMEGA [8], PRISPLAN [9], CFACA [10],
VITool [11], IFPP [12]. OMEGA uses production rules to define
operation sequences that are then subsequently grouped into set-ups
based on the nature of the tolerances. PRISPLAN, CFADA and
IFPP focus on generating NC programs for machining centers.
Developments of such systems have also been reported by
others [13-19]. However, a fully CAD/CAM integration is not yet
achieved. The process of integration of CAD and CAM has been
relatively slow in comparison with the developments made in
each of these technologies. Researchers believe that the slowness
of the integration over the recent decades is essentially
attributable to the incompatibility of database formats and the lack
of common languages. The developed systems can only be
considered as islands of integration and still there is a missing
link fully integrating these two technologies.
In most of the systems developed, user still must determine
crucial manufacturing parameters such as cutting tools, cutting
speeds, feed rates, cutting depths, etc., requiring expertise and
considerable amount of time. In addition, contributions made to
integrate CAD and CAM systems for milling operation are very
limited, while this operation forms a considerable amount of
machining operations. This paper describes development of an
integrated CAD/CAM system for milling operations. It has been
proven that the use of this system would help reduce machining
leadtimes and cost, and it is believed that this system goes one step
closer towards achieving fully integrated CAD/CAM systems.
2. System developed
An integrated CAD/CAM system for milling operations has been
developed which helps designers to solve machining problems at the
design stage. A methodology has been employed which provides all
necessary information for machining products automatically. Use of
these system results in reduced machining leadtimes and cost through
(1) designing machinable components; (2) using available cutting
tools; (3) improving machining efficiency. The system is menu driven
with a user friendly interface. As shown in Figure 1, the system is
composed of following components: design module, expert system,
machining sequence planning module, optimisation module,
manufacturing module, executive program.
3. Design module
The design module is developed based on feature-based
design approach. It is implemented with AutoLISP programming
language and uses AutoCAD’s solid modeller to create product
models. This module has a feature library that includes two
groups of features, pre-defined and user-defined. Pre-defined
features are divided into protrusions and depressions. Protrusions
include cubic, rectangular, circular, polygonal, elliptical, semicircular,
semi-polygonal and semi-elliptical features. Depressions
include pockets, holes, slots and steps. There could be different
numbers and forms of islands inside pockets. Holes are composed
of normal, counterbore, countersink and flat bottom ones. Slots
have different shapes such as normal, round bottom, U, T and V
shapes. Steps are divided into normal, round bottom and notches.
User-defined features are complex features of common use for a
manufacturing firm that can be created by any combination of
pre-defined features, restored in the feature library, and used
whenever required.
The relationship between different features is represented by
use of a feature tree. This tree represents parent-child relationship
between features where a feature forms its root and other features
form its branches and leaves. A feature can be considered as the
child of another when at least one of its imaginary faces is
coincident with a real face of the parent feature. Feature A becomes
a parent for feature B when there is no tool access to machine
feature B before machining feature A. Each parent feature can have
an unlimited number of child features and all features must have a
parent feature except the root feature. The feature tree can be
organised only when the product design is completed.
The design module uses different co-ordinate frames and
datum points for placement of features in the design model. These
can be defined as:
�� Global co-ordinate frame (GCF) is the original or world coordinate
frame of the component. There is only one GCF for
each component.
�� Local co-ordinate frame (LCF) is the user defined co-ordinate
frame to design different features easier. There may exist no
or several LCFs in the design and each LCF can be defined
with respect to the GCF or another LCF.
�� Datum point (DP) is the reference point of the feature and
there is one DP for each feature. DP determines the position
of the feature with respect to the current co-ordinate frame
that can be either GCF or LCF. In other words, DP can be
considered as a sub-LCF that determines the location of a
feature with respect to the current co-ordinate frame having
the same orientation.
When different co-ordinate frames are employed, the system
must determine the position of each feature with respect to GCF when
it is defined in a LCF and vice versa. It is known that one co-ordinate
frame must be defined with respect to another. A new co-ordinate
frame can be described with a matrix of vectors. In addition, the
sequence of rotations and translations required to relocate from one
co-ordinate frame to another must be described; this can be done with
a transformation matrix. A matrix can be used to represent translation
and rotation because a sequence of translations and rotations can be
combined to produce a complex relocation more easily with matrix
multiplication than with vector addition. For example, if p1 represents
the DP of a feature with respect to the LCF, it can be represented by
p with respect to GCF where:
p = A p1 (when:
p1 = A-1 p (3)
where A is the general transformation matrix and A-1 represents
the inverse of A.
It is important to note that transformation matrix is composed
of four vectors; the first three vectors represent the orientation of
the three axes and the last vector represents the translation of the
origin of the new co-ordinate frame, all with respect to the old coordinate
In order to allow inversion of the 3x4 transformation matrix,
an additional dummy row is introduced to it and additional fourth
numbers are introduced to the point vectors, which have no effect
on the matrix manipulations. Therefore they become:
When nested LCFs are defined, there will be more than one
transformation matrix. In this case, to transform a point from a nested
LCF to GCF, more than one transformation matrix should be
employed. For example, in the component shown in Figure 2, LCF1 is
defined with respect to GCF, LCF11 is defined with respect to LCF1
and the DP of counterbore hole is defined with respect to LCF11. If p1
represents the DP of counterbore hole with respect to LCF11, it can be
represented by p with respect to GCF where:
p = A1 A2 p1 (5)
where A1 and A2 represent transformation matrices to transform
a point from LCF1 to GCF and from LCF11 to LCF1, respectively.
Similarly, DP of the counterbore hole can be transformed from
GCF to LCF11where:
p1 = A1
-1 A2
-1 p (6)
4. Expert system
In most machining activities, the selection of cutting tools and
determining machining parameters are still carried out manually by
expert operators using extensive searching through catalogues and
manuals, which requires expertise and time. Therefore, automation
of these functions can be considered as essential for developing
fully integrated CAD/CAM systems. In this work, an expert system
has been developed which is capable of performing the abovementioned
functions. It assists user in designing machinable
components, selection of cutting tools considering available tools
resources, and determining initial machining parameters at the
design stage. To accomplish this task, the system uses information
restored in a number of databases and a knowledge base. Totally
seventeen databases have been developed. Of these, nine databases
are devoted to restoring the information of different types of cutting
tools (face mills, end mills, drills, etc.). The other eight databases
restore appropriate machining parameters (cutting speeds, feed
rates, depths of cut, cutting fluids, etc.) recommended by machining
handbooks and based on the type of operation, quality of the cutting
tool and quality of workpiece material. Use of these databases in the
expert system has many benefits such as:
�� A limited number of rules have been developed for the knowledge
base. A large number of rules should have been developed to
determine required cutting tools and machining parameters for the
operations if there were no databases linked to the system.
�� Decreased required time for developing the knowledge base.
�� Decreased running time for the expert system.
�� Readability and easy accessibility to the information restored
in the databases for updating purposes. This is specially useful
for updating the information of available cutting tools since
some of those may not be available occasionally.
The input to the expert system includes geometric
characteristics of the operation and mechanical characteristics of the
workpiece material. Its output includes appropriate cutting tools and
machining parameters for the operation such as cutting speed, feed
rate, depth of cut, and appropriate type of cutting fluid if required.
These parameters will be determined for each step of machining
operation. When a non-machinable feature is placed on the design,
the expert system uses technological expertise restored in the
knowledge-base, and issues a warning message to the user. It also
assists user to redesign the feature in order to make it machinable.
An example of non-machinable features is a pocket with sharp
corners. In this case the system warns the user and requests him/her
to define a fillet radius for the pocket no smaller than the radius of
the smallest available end mill that can machine the feature.
As shown in Figure 3, the inference engine plays a central role in
the expert system developed. It uses backward chaining where it
actively integrates expertise rules restored in the knowledge base as
if-then rules, with tooling and machining information restored in the
databases. In order to reach its goal, the inference engine
systematically searches for new values to assign to appropriate
variables that are present in the knowledge base. Therefore, it has the
capability of adding to the known store of knowledge. Inference
engine fires appropriate rules from the knowledge base and extracts
necessary information from the databases to select appropriate cutting
tools and determine machining parameters for the operations.
5. Optimisation module
For improving machining efficiency in this system, an optimisation
module has been developed which determines optimum machining
parameters for each step of machining operation. This module is
activated only if user wishes to use optimum machining parameters
rather than those recommended by handbooks. Cutting speed, feed rate
and depth of cut have the greatest effect on the success of a machining
operation. Accordingly, these parameters have been considered as
variables in developing the optimisation models. The maximum profit
rate has been selected as the default objective function in this work.
Maximum machine power, required surface finish and maximum
cutting forces have been considered as the constraints. These models
and constraints have been programmed in FORTRAN, and the
optimisation method of feasible directions has been used to solve the
problems. It is noteworthy that details of the optimisation module
developed and its models have been published elsewhere [20].
6.Machining sequence planning
Machining sequence planning is one of the most important
functions in process planning activities. An algorithm has been
developed for automatic machining sequence planning of the
components designed by this system. The algorithm is based on the
bilateral precedence between machining operations and generates
feasible and optimal machining sequences, reducing machining cost
and time. It puts machining operations in a definite order based on
technological and geometric considerations such that the number of
necessary tool changes becomes minimal. This algorithm has been
described elsewhere [21]
7. Manufacturing module
The system restores technological data determined by
different components in the manufacturing data file (MDF) for
use by the manufacturing module. MDF provides all necessary
data for each step of machining operations that are required for
NC program generation. An IGES file generated by the CAD
system provides the geometric data. It is noteworthy that IGES is
the most common method for data exchange in current CAD
systems. Using these data, the manufacturing module generates
required tool paths for each step of machining operation and
determines all cutter locations. User can either accept generated
tool paths or modify them. Upon confirmation of generated tool
paths, the required NC program is generated using an existing
post-processor. The NC machine to produce the product can then
use the generated program.
8. Executive program
The executive program plays a central role in the system
developed, as shown in Figure 1. The user is in touch with all
components of the system only through this program. Upon running
the system, user gets in touch with the executive program where
he/she should determine the desired job from displayed menus. The
executive program communicates with user and manages the
operations of all components of the system, activates the design
module for designing the product, and at the same time, helps the
user in designing machinable features using the expertise rules
restored in the knowledge base of the expert system. It also
communicates with the expert system for determining cutting tools
and initial machining parameters. Communication with the
machining sequence planning module and optimisation module can
be mentioned as other functions of the executive program. It
collects data generated by all components of the system and restores
them in a file using a specific format called ‘design representation
scheme.’ This scheme is developed based on a group of LISP codes
that represent mechanical components as a related set of features.
Each component is represented using a group of pre-defined feature
codes, together with mechanical information of the workpiece
material, and geometric and topological information of its features
in the following form:
( (mechanical_data)
(feature_tree) )
This scheme gives a complete and unambiguous representation
of the product that can be used for different purposes such as
verification of generated process plans, NC program generation,
fixture design and so on. Details of this representation scheme can
be found elsewhere [19]. Based on the information restored in this
file, the executive program generates the required MDF file to be
used by manufacturing module for NC part program generation.
9. Case study
A number of test components have been designed and
produced using the system developed. Results showed significant
improvements in machining times and costs in design and
machining of these components. For example, in producing the
sample part shown in Figures 2 and 4 machining time and cost
were reduced by 38% and 42% respectively. This resulted in
a significant improvement in the total profit rate of about 350%,
which increasing it from $0.71/min to $2.49/min.
Fig. 4. The sample part dimentioned
10. Conclusions
In this work several goals have been achieved in the line of
developing fully integrated CAD/CAM systems. Different
components required for developing such systems have been
identified and various problems that arose in the development of
these systems have been dealt with, leading to an adequate basis for
complete integration of CAD and CAM technologies. The system
developed allows simultaneous generation of all information
required to satisfy machining requirements of the design such as its
machinability and availability of the required tooling resources. It
thus integrates different areas of design and manufacturing, giving
each area an appreciation of its role in the design process. It has
been proven that use of this system results in considerable
improvements in machining efficiency, time and cost.
Although much of the work described here goes beyond the
scope of published literature, however, it should be noted that the
system developed couldn’t be considered as a complete solution to
the CAD/CAM integration problem. Further work requires
including other manufacturing activities that are considered in
concurrent engineering concept. In this direction, further integration
of the system developed with systems such as MRP, MRP II and
assembly sequence planning packages are highly desirable.